Saturday, February 28, 2009

The CORE of Servant Leadership

The "CORE Group", in the College Ministry at Valley Bible, refers to our student leadership team. Currently, we have 5 students who have been faithfully attending since last year. We also have three adult leaders sit in on the meetings, including myself, Kathy, and Aliza. We meet about every other week at my house at 4pm before ROCK group Bible study. 

Our meetings are generally two-fold in their purpose. First we will attempt to address the topic of leadership from a biblical perspective and develop and discuss what it takes to be a servant leader. For the other half of our time, we will focus on the many different faucets of the work in ministry.

Some of the specific areas in which we focus our time, attention, and efforts on in the ministry are as follows...

1. Caring for Believers, which may entail discipling and counseling other believers, praying for the group, meeting up with fellow students, contacting students who are away for the semesters, and cultivating loving relationships with others.

2. Teaching the Word, which may entail Bible studies on Friday nights, ROCK Sunday school classes, Coffee Connections for the ladies, guy/girl split teaching times, retreats, and more.

3. Evangelizing the Lost, which may entail supporting the Go Ministry, planning our own days to share the gospel in the community, organizing summer evangelism for VBC activities/events, being actively involved in cross-cultural missions, and more.

4. Arranging Activities and Events, which may entail planning, organizing, and implementing various activities, events, outings, retreats, and service opportunities throughout the year to stimulate group unity and rich fellowship.

5. Ministering through Music, which may entail practicing, playing, and leading the ROCK group in worship on Friday nights, for retreats, for special events or activities, for Ignite, and more.

Over the years that I have been a leader in the ROCK group, there has been a challenging trend that we have been faced with in the ROCK group: The fewer the opportunities for the students to serve and to take on responsibilities, the fewer students will be faithfully committed to serving in the college ministry from semester to semester. Now, I take this on myself. I have only until recently realized the joy, the blessing, and the fulfillment the students share in as they serve among their peers. 

Now we are all called to serve like Christ, and we are all progressively maturing in our faith because the indwelling Holy Spirit, but having opportunities laid out right before us helps immensely with direction and a plan for serving others. These responsibilities give the student a sense of ownership, accountability, and involvement in the group. 

May we all realize more fully and remember more frequently that living the Christian life is not about getting or being served by others, but about giving of ourselves and serving till we are absolutely spent for the sake of others. Only then may we be living the abundant Christian life and living as Christlike examples of servant leadership.

Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

2 Corinthians 12:15 says, "I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls."

Philippians 2:3–5 says, "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus."

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Serving Christ in Internet Services?

Good question: "do you have a facebook?" It doesn't stand alone. How about Twitter, AIM, Blogging, Myspace, iChat, or Youtube? Heard of these? There is a pretty good chance that the number of people who haven't heard of any of these internet services has almost diminished entirely. These "services" simply exist to connect people to other people. Sounds like a good thing, right? Sounds pretty fun to me. Anyways, wouldn't you like to stay better in touch with your friends?

The Age we are in has undeniably taken technology to the next level. Possibly better stated, technology has taken us to the next level; swaying generations into the technologically advanced niceties at the touch of a finger. But amid the "technological sway", brother, sister in Christ, let me ask you another more important question, "Is it being used to take us to the next level in our sanctification?" Isn't this the most important question for the believer to ask pertaining to the rapid growth of internet community?

In Scripture, we find no other method to carry out the one anothers (to "forgive," "submit to," "prefer," "love," "show hospitality to," "humble yourselves toward," "confront," etc) than in community with one another. We clearly were made for community. Even from the creation account we find that it was not good for man to be alone. As the Church, we are described as a body working together with each part working together properly (Eph 4:16) as Christ, our Head. In John 17, Christ prays to His heavenly Father that "they (believers) may be one even as we (God the Son and the Father) are one" (v. 22). It is here, in the presence of God through Christ, that we may be one seeking to glorify the Father and point the world to God's glory.

But being a part of a mega "online community" brings its own unique set of challenges to the redeemed. Below are some warnings, borrowed from the blog of Al Mohler, which he calls "suggestions for safeguarding social networking."

1. Never allow social networking to replace or rival personal contact and communication. We cannot permit ourselves to substitute social networking for the harder work of building and maintaining personal relationships that are face-to-face.

2. Set clear parameters for the time devoted to social networking. These services can be seductive and time consuming. Social networking (and the Internet in general) can become obsessive and destructive of other relationships and higher priorities for the Christian.

3. Never write or post anything on a social networking site that you would not want the world to see, or anything that would compromise your Christian witness. Certain words and comments are said online that utterly ruin the testimony we want to be to the lost world.

4. Never allow children and teenagers to have independent social networking access (or Internet access, for that matter). Parents should monitor, manage, supervise, and control the Internet access of their children and teens. Watch what your child posts and what their friends post.

5. Do not allow children and teens to accept any "friend" unknown to you. The social networking world can be a dangerous place and parental protection here is vital.

6. Encourage older friends and relatives too sign up and use the technology. Grandparents can enjoy keeping up with their grandchildren and with friends and loved ones separated by distance or mobility.

7. Use the social networking technology to bear witness to the Gospel, but never think that this can replace the centrality of face-to-face evangelism and discipleship.

8. Do all things to the glory of God, and do not allow social networking to become an idol or a display of narcissism (which is "excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance"; self-centeredness, self-absorption, pride, or any other form of selfishness).

So ask yourself, am I really serving Christ with the internet services I am involved in? You may benefit yourself, and your "friends," to step back and think about how you are growing closer to God in all that you do.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Valley of Dry Bones

One day Yahweh was speaking with Ezekiel, His faithful prophet to Israel. He brought him out and set him down in the middle of a valley. This valley was full of dry bones. There was no sinew, no flesh, no skin on them. They were very dry.

Yahweh said, "Can these bones live?" Ezekiel replied, "Yahweh, God, you know."

Then He asked Ezekiel to prophesy (be His mouthpiece) over the bones saying, "Hear the word of Yahweh, 'Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live,' and you shall know that I am Yahweh."

So Ezekiel prophesied as he was commanded. And as he prophesied, there was a sound, a rattling, and the bones came together, bone into bone. Then he prophesied that the breath of God would enter the slain and give them life. Then they lived, and stood on their feet, and there was an exceedingly great army.

Then Yahweh said, "These bones are the whole house of Israel. They say, 'Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are clean cut off.' "

This amazing scene is found in Ezekiel 37:1–14. The Lord "Yahweh" loves His people with 
a covenant faithfulness and a loyal love and He will not abandon them. Though the context is speaking directly to the restoration of the house of Israel, we can observe powerful and practical insight into the reviving and renewing nature of the Word of God.

Since Paul writes to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16, 17, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work," what do we learn about the Word of God? How do we prioritize the proclamation of the Truth? When the Word of God is preached, what effect does it have on our souls?

In chapter 4:2 Paul charges Timothy to "Preach the Word!" Essentially, be the mouthpiece of God and proclaim the gospel of the grace of God! Preach the powerful message that delivers us from the dominion of darkness and transfers us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Col 1:13, 14)!

Psalm 19:7–9 says, 
"The law of the Lord is perfect,
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the Lord is sure,
making wise the simple;
8 the precepts of the Lord are right,
rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the Lord is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
9 the fear of the Lord is clean, 
enduring forever;
the rules of the Lord are true,
and righteous altogether."

John 8:31, 32 say, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Christ is speaking of Truth and its freeing power over sin. Committing sin is bondage to sin (v. 34) but abiding in Truth is freedom from that bondage.

May the Word of God have its reviving, renewing, freeing, restoring, rejoicing, enlightening, enduring and righteous effect in us each day! May we preach the Word of God to ourselves and to others that our dry bones may receive life!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ministry Moments at VBC

There is something spectacular that happens at VBC, behind closed doors, that I would like to let you in on...

It is the Valley Bible Church Staff Meeting. Every Monday we meet at 9am in Gerry's office to have our meetings. Dale leads the meeting by asking each staff member how things have been going in their respective ministry. Since I sit directly on his left, I go first.

This is a time for me to highlight some of the happenings in the ROCK group, college ministry. If an event or activity has happened we spend a while discussing what went good, what didn't, what things we could improve on, what was learned, even names of new people and conversations that were had. If an event or activity is coming up, then we will talk about everything that needs to happen in order for it to run smoothly and effectively for the church and the kingdom of God. I keep them updated on how each Friday night is going, what college group Sunday school is like, and what the overall tone of the group is. We also talk about leaders meetings, CORE group meetings (student leadership), and other faucets of the ministry.

This is also a time for me to ask a discussion question to gather wisdom and feedback from others about the ministry. There is a wealth of knowledge and understanding in that room because of what they know of the Word and because of how experienced they are in caring for others. I would be the biggest fool to not seek their counsel.

[Though these may seem like familiar faces (ie. Becky Williams, Joel Kirkendall, the guy who played Bruce Wayne in Dark Knight, etc), none of them currently attend our church...that I know of.]

Back to the meetings...since Rocky Osborne is on my left, he then updates everyone on how the AWANA ministry is going and what children and families are new to the program, and to the church. He will always excitedly inform us about who was new that he met on Sunday morning. That is always a joy for me to hear. We have so many visitors every week and Rocky is faithful to welcome them all.

Then Kim Taylor goes and she keeps us up to date on children's ministry. The children have a great Sunday school curriculum now and all the teachers are such servants week in and week out. She always has stuff coming up, especially the Neighborhood Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible School. Her heart for the young ones at Valley is clearly evident, tried, and true.

Gerry Andersen shares about anything and everything, which goes to show how much he actually is involved in at Valley. He is teaching almost regularly, leading meetings, overseeing missions, managing the church office, maintaining the website (tons of people hear about VBC via the web each year), coordinating softball (and keeping accurate, annual stats), studying theology, managing Valley's budget and moneys, and so much more. Praise God for his service to our church! Every healthy church needs a "Gerry".

David Johnston follows Gerry. This is when we all get to hear about how the junior high, high school, and youth leaders are all doing. This is an enormous ministry containing up to almost 200 people total! Please pray for him, his wife, and children as they serve in this capacity. He always shares his heart about where the group is studying (currently in Hebrews), and he genuinely, honestly cares for each of the students, their families, and those serving with him in leadership.

Dale Whitehead concludes by updating men and women's ministries, sharing the latest with growth group ministries, mentioning people in hurt and in need, and other odds and ins. This is truly where the shepherd's heart is seen. Thank God for a pastor who emulates the Good Shepherd in the way he lays his life down for others.

We pray together at the end knowing that nothing can be done for the kingdom apart from the Lord's strength and that we must lean entirely on Him to see these things through. 

May God give us the grace... :)

Ignite Worship Night

Two weeks ago, over a hundred from the high school group, college group, and career group showed up Friday night for our second Ignite Worship Night at the church.

The overall purpose of "Ignite" is for the edification of the believers at VBC. It is not evangelistic in nature but rather it is a place and a time for the next generation of men and women of the church to gather, serve, fellowship, sing praise, hear the Word of God, and worship the Lord together. The overall structure of the night permits for the centrality of the proclamation of the Word, thus promoting the worship in song and fellowship in relationships to be Word-filled as well. 

What I love about Ignite is the fact that everything from refreshments, to the tear-down and set-up crew, to the band practicing, to the sound team, to the end of the night is done mostly by those who are younger than I am. I stood in the middle of the auditorium looking around at all that was happening that night before we started and I just had to take a moment to praise God for His faithfulness to the young adults of Valley; for their sensitivity to the things of the Lord; for their willingness to serve Him and others; for their spirit of unity; and for their kingdom-mindedness. Isn't God good and so worthy to be served and worshiped!

The message was from Revelation 4 and 5. I began by "trimming the fat off" of what worship is not (not for unbelievers, not a place, not emotion-driven, and not about self), and then we moved to our text to allow our minds to marinate on what true worship is--heavenly worship that pleases the Holy God before His throne.

Revelation 4:8, 11 say, 
"Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, 
who was and is and is to come! 
Worthy are you, our Lord and God, 
to receive glory and honor and power, 
for you created all things, 
and by your will they existed and were created." 

Revelation 5:9, 10, 12, 13 say, 
"And they sang a new song, saying, 
'Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, 
for you were slain, 
and by your blood you ransomed people for God 
from every tribe and language and people and nation, 

and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, 
and they shall reign on the earth...

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, 
to receive power and wealth and wisdom and 
might and honor and glory and blessing! 

To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb 
be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!' "

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

VBC Hosting Pastor Vazquez and His Wife

From March 4th to the 6th, our church's elders and deacons will go down to The Shepherd's Conference at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley (home of The Master's Seminary). What is unique to this year's trip is that we will be hosting Pastor Daniel Vazquez from Dios Con Nosotros, Mexicali with us as we drive down for those three days (Wed-Fri). 

Daniel and his wife Ruth, will be hosted for that week in the Antelope Valley by my parents, Dan and Miriam Jenison. Each evening, Kathy, my wife, will drive Ruth down to meet up with the men at the Conference for dinner and the evening sessions.

For those of you who don't know, Mexican pastors don't have it easy. Not only are there many ministry difficulties with the families from the community, but the teaching ministry has its own challenges. There are no where near as many study resources and materials for the preparation as they teach the Word week in and week out. For instance, the two teaching pastors at Dios Con Nosotros are mainly only familiar with J. Vernon McGee's Commentaries. I don't believe they have all of his commentaries, but this just shows their limited resources that are available to them. McGee is traditional and very sound in his theology, yet there are SO many other commentators and study resources out there today...just not in Mexico.

All that to say, taking Pastor Vazquez with us to The Shepherd's Conference this year will be SUCH a blessing to not only his teaching ministry, but to his own spiritual life, his understanding of the Word and the preaching of the Word, and for this opportunity for extended fellowship with other strong believers. And yes, everything will be translated for him. Mauricio will be with him the whole time and every main session and many of the breakout sessions will be on the spot translated. He is learning 
English quite well.

We will all come away from the Conference with multiple books as a gift to each one who is registered. And there are enormous sales by many publishers of great books.

As Mauricio has always mentioned about the greatest need in Mexico, "They desperately need biblically sound teaching and preaching. There are so many waves of false doctrines that know no limit and their damage knows no limit. False teaching runs rampant in Mexico. The most important thing we can do for the Mexicans is to bring the Truth to them." What a great way for us to meet the needs for DCN!

Please be in prayer for the Shepherd's Conference. Pray especially for Pastor Vazquez and Ruth, that they will be blessed by their experience with us.

By the way, you'll be able to meet him the Sunday after the Conference. Say hi to him if you get the chance! He's in the middle by the way...