Our Winter Camp topic this year is "One Thing." Consider for a moment:
What is the one thing you seek in life?
What is the one thing you desire above all others?
What is the one thing you are after?
What is the one thing you won't stop until you get?
What is the one thing that controls your affections?
What is the one thing you feel most passionately about?
What is the one thing that gives you satisfaction?
What is the one thing that completes you?
What is the one thing you believe is worth dying for?
What is the one thing that defines who you are?
What is the one thing you speak most about?
What is the one thing that brings you the most joy?
What is the one thing you think most about?
What is the one thing you treasure above all else?
What is the one thing you want to experience?
What is the one thing you are most concerned about in life?
What is the one thing for which you live your life?
What is the one thing you hope will come after this life?
What is the one thing you desire most for others to know?
What is the one thing that you want to see?
What is the one thing that drives you each day?
What is the one thing you would receive from the Lord?
What is that one thing?
Our answers to questions like these may range from things as small as our new smartphone to things as seismic as the God of Creation Himself. That is because the human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked (Jer 17:9). No man can know his heart like the Lord (17:10). And there is no more important thing to guard than the heart (Prov 4:23). Above all other commandments, we are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our heart (Deut 6:5; Matt 22:37). So questions like these above can tell us a lot about where our heart is, where it has been, what it is after, what it prizes, what it protects, what it desires, what it seeks.
This winter, the College and Career groups will spend precious time pouring over one verse:
Psalms 27:4 One thing have I asked of the LORD,
that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to inquire in his temple.
Lord willing, our generation of young adults will stand as one in the grace and glory of Jesus Christ who Himself has brought to us the dwelling place of God. Please begin to pray with us now that God will unite our hearts to engage in the highest activity of the human soul, which is, coming into the presence of the Holy, living, triune God.