What do you know about the Ascension of Christ? Is it deep to you? Was it really that significant? Does it have any relevance to us now? Kenneth Alan Daughters expounds on this often overlooked, yet Biblically significant, aspect of Christ's earthly ministry in his article: The Theological Significance of the Ascension.
For the sources of the quotations below, please check the Emmaus Journal, Vol 3 (1994) 163–177. He begins, in part...
1. It marks the end of Christ's self-limitation (Phil 2:1–8)
2. It is the occasion for Christ's exaltation and glorification (Jn 17:5; Phil 2:9–11; Eph 1:20–22)
"He is reigning as King in heaven, sitting at His Father's right hand and soon His rulership will extend to this earth when He returns in judgment to set up His kingdom...It also demonstrates the Father's acceptance of Christ's earthly work...God the Father set the seal and crown upon His resurrection, and upon His whole earthly ministry...He rose to ascend; he ascended to reign."
3. It marks the entrance of resurrected humanity into heaven
"Jesus was the first man to enter heaven with a glorified body. He is our forerunner (Heb 6:20). His presence there is our guarantee that we too will be resurrected and taken to heaven."
4. It marks the beginning of Christ's new ministry of intercession and advocacy (Heb 7:25; 1 Jn 2:1)
5. It allowed Christ to send the Holy Spirit to indwell and empower us (Jn 16:7; 14:12)
"Unless Jesus returned to the Father, we would not be empowered to do these 'greater works'...Our works are not greater in quality, but greater in quantity. Greater works can be accomplished because the Spirit indwells each one of us. Jesus has shared Himself with us more by sending His Spirit than if He had stayed personally."
6. It served as the opportunity for Christ to give us spiritual gifts (Eph 4:8)
7. It allows the preparation of our future heavenly home (Jn 14:2–3)
8. It anticipates His return (Acts 1:11)
The Ascension is a significant aspect of not only Christ's life here no earth, but also His present ministry from heaven's throne to those who believe today. BUT, how often do we spend time to contemplate and really mediate on the significance of this culminating and forward-looking event of Christ's ministry?
May we appreciate the Ascension of Christ more than before and in every day until He returns in the same fashion He left.
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