Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What is Expository Preaching?

Ever wondered what "expository preaching" is really all about? Are we as a church doing it right? If you tried out all the churches in the Antelope Valley would you notice a difference between how they all handle God's Word? Here is an short video discussion between three men who have faithfully exposited the Word of God in their respective churches.

Upon watching this 10min clip, I hope you will...

1. Be able to define and describe what "Expository Preaching" is;

2. Have a greater respect for the preacher's regular responsibility in preparing and preaching sermons for churches around the world;

3. Be able to engage more on Sunday mornings with each sermon;

4. Know how to pray for preachers of the Word more educatedly;

5. Have a greater reverence for God's Word;

6. Be more grateful for Valley's commitment to proclaim God's Word.


  1. I find it interesting how the "world" frowns upon God's Word being preached in this manner. Often they are searching for something that makes themselves "feel better". I like how the Lord reveals it through Paul in Romans 10:17.

  2. I couldn't agree more! May we always, unashamedly preach the Word of Christ that others may hear and in hearing that some might come to saving faith! "He must hold firm to the trustworthy word" (Ti 1:9a)
