- Full-time missionary overseas
- Short-term missions leader
- Inner-city pastoral ministry
- Inner-city evangelism
- Biblical training center worldwide
- Church-planting team
- Church-plant elder
- Church-plant deacon/servant
- Church-plant administrator
- Lay elder in local church
- Deacon in local church
- Music ministry leader
- Staff member part-time
- Staff member full-time
- Professor in Christian education
- Christian school administrator
- Christian college professor
- Adult education teacher
- Senior pastor of local church
- Associate pastor of local church
- Biblical counselor
- Writer/author/speaker
- etc
Whatever it may be that you envision yourself aspiring to (1 Tim 3:1), you must pray for God to fill you with the godly desire to pursue it. And it will not come in an epiphany overnight and come to fruition the next morning--it is something that comes through faithful, steady, prayerful and sacrificial service to Christ and His kingdom for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God. Consider further if you are using your gifts, abilities, strengths, and desires for His kingdom's cause right now.
Christ Himself said, "Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest" (Jn 4:35).
Will you be the one among your friends that starts a revival in your sphere of influence?
Is the condition of your marriage conducive for kingdom efforts?
Is your speech regularly seasoned with the grace that sets sinners free?
Is your faith one worth modeling? One that inspires those of genuine faith around you?
Does your heart for the lost take you beyond your comfort zones to new places of ministry?
What holds you back from being elder/deacon qualified? What does God think about that?
Do you aspire to serve Christ's body with an ambition that seeks no higher aim?
Once again, Christ says, "We must work the works of him who sent me [Heavenly Father] while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work" (Jn 9:4).
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